Spring has sprung here in T-Town Pennsylvania. And that means a lot of things. It means hanging laundry out on the clothes lines, it means flowers, it means, playing outside, it means warmer weather, it means no more cabin fever. It means life!
The first indicator of spring, aside from the geese flying north, and the snow drops, is hanging a load of laundry out on the clothesline. That to me is when spring has begun. There is something so simple, so sufficient, and perfect about hanging a load of laundry out on the line and letting it dry in the breeze and the sunshine. (I wax poetic about it now, but I'm sure later I'll be grumbling about it too.)
My clotheslines are in between three crab apple trees. I double lines on each tree, so in effect I actually have six small lines. And I use every bit of it.
What you see, or what you may not recognize immediately are cloth diapers. Yes those pastel colored giant maxi pad shaped things are cloth diapers. We used to do the old school cloth diapers that involved folding and twisting, and covers, but then we found this company called BumGenius, and tried one of their diapers. We have never gone back. The fit from birth until potty training, and they're as simple to use as a disposable diaper. Love them. And they're just so darn cute. If pastels aren't your thing, they have other colors too.
But back on track.
Spring means clotheslines. It means the geese flying north. And it also means the flower bed my grandmother Esther planted about over thirty years ago will start to show its colors again. Year after year, this tulip bed comes up, and lives and blooms, in spite of me. It is still the showcase of our yard. When I look at the date of this picture I've included, I see it's almost fourteen years to the day that she passed - off by a couple weeks. How apt that on her anniversary, she sends us her hellos again.

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