Thursday, February 3, 2011

swift delicious bean salad recipe.

This title is accurate. Honestly, i wasn't hopeful when i looked atthe recipe, and even some of the the making process. but i tried and i LOVE IT. absolutely a keeper.
from pg 148 of The Essential Vegetarian Cookbook by Diana Shaw

i am posting this for my own memory and to share the joy.

1 1/2 T extra virgin olive oil
1 garlic clove (i minced mine)
2 T minced fresh basil
1/4 c fresh parsley
1 large ripe tomato chopped but not peeled
1 tsp capers
2 tsp balasmic vingear
2 cups cooked chickpeas
salt and pepper tot aste

(my alterations - 1 can of chickpeas/garbanzo beans in place of the 2 cups. instead of the parsely and basil, i just put in a good couple pinches of dry italian seasoning. instead of the fresh tomato, i used 1 can of diced tomatoes no salt added. drained all canned ingredients before use.)

heat oil in a skillet over medium high heat. when it's hot,a dd the garlic. turn the heat down to medium low,a nd swish the garlic through the oil. add parsely, basil, tomato and capers and stir untilt he tomatos begin to break apart. add the balasmic vinegar. stir well and thent urn off from heat.
place beans in another serving bowl. add tomato mixture over top of it, mix it in. season with salt and pepper. serve at room tempterature.


i added feta cheese to it, because, well i add feta to everything if i have it on hand. just a good sprinkle.

this was absolutely delicious. super easy to make. and very healthy. 189 calories. 7.7 g of protein. 7.3 grams fat.

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