Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why I can't stand Twilight.

I am one of the few people I know of that absolutely detests Twilight and the whole Twilight soap opera.
Which is totally weird for two reasons:
1. because I'm very into the paranormal, vampires, ghosts, goblins, etc etc.
2. I can see the potential of the story.

So why do I hate it?
Let's back up a bit.

When I first heard about Twilight, and the midnight release parties for the books, it was on the tail end of the Harry Potter dynasty. So I was a little preoccupied. (No I did not go to a midnight release party for the book. I did not dress up in costume for any event in Harry Potter regalia, though I do own the Charmed KNits book which has quite a few great knitting patterns to copy the thigns we see int he films, for the most part, up until the fourth film.)
But i had purchased the last book via pre-iorder which I never do.
Like I said, I was a little preoccupied and invested.

The great thing though about teaching freshmen girls, and sometimes high school girls, is they have allthe dirt on EVERYTHING. Gossip travels fast, but in the electronis age, divide it by the age of the user, and the lower the age, the faster it moves.
So I asked my female students, what's this whole Twilight thing.... Why is it so amazing?

The girls gushed as teenage girls do and made me swear to read the books.
I was already intrigued. I knew vampires, and I knew that could be cool.

I will say that I made an attempt. My husband borrowed the first book from a co worker of his. And by the end of the first couple chapters, I was ready to wring Bella Swan's whiney little throat.

So why the hate?

1. Firstly the writing is insulting. People are hailing thsi author as being amazing, as being wonderful. But really folks, if you can read, and have read any sort of literature, good literature, you can tell, that Meyer's can't write to save her life. She's mediocre at best.

Even Stephen King says so. So says the article on Msnbc.com from Feb. 3, 2009. the direct quote being:

“Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people… The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”

You have no idea how it was to hear that statement, or to read that stamenet since Stephen King is not in my Rolodex, or in my cell phone contacts, nor in my literary harem, as much as I would love him to be.

Someone else agreed with me that Meyer couldn't write!!! Hallelujah.

So why else do I hate Twilight?

Because Bella is needs to learn that stalkers aren't sexy. A guy coming into your bedroom to watch you sleep, while in teenage angst mind which we need to remember is completely out of whack, may appear devoted or attractive, but really it just seems a little bit obsessive and rapey. Really. Not all that cool.

Because Bella needs to learn that she shouldn't define her worth by the guy she is with.

And Because Bella needs to stop acting like spoiled whiney brat. Please.

She is not someone I want my daughter emulating. At all.

It's sad. I have tried gto read the books. I can't stand them. I can't bring myself to do it. I have actually watch and own the first film. I watch the first film when I feel the need some all out sugar fluff, that involves absolutely no brains, attention, or anything. And even then, I'm still reminded each time, of how much I don't like the book, and of how good it could have been. The whole thing is about regret. The possibility is there. but it got fouled up.

I watched the second one and it just left me yelling at the screen. I needed a good chaser of the Brothers Bloom to save my mind and faith in film.

go google What Twilight TEaches Young Girls - feminism doesn't sparkle...

I laugh when I heard that Meyer was being questioned for plagiarism. Of course it didn't go through because the article says that new Moon was put on hold until the issue was resolved. Well the film went through so we can assume that the issue was resolved.

Part of me wants to go and write an anti twilight. something that really picks up what could have happened, how amazing the storyc ould have been. But then, really... I just think, i have too much else to do. Maybe on a side project.



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